We came….we loved…we worked…we partied

On the wall at the base is a quote that we have read every morning when we rise and it says, ‘Prayer does not fit us for the greater work, prayer IS the Greater work.’

Today on the last day of our visit to the village, we put the finishing touches on the houses we helped to build. The insides are now a lovely aqua with John 3:16 (as requested by the families), the book of life, the cross, many handprints and shadow figures of the children who will inhabit them for sleep painted on the inner walls. We had a ball finishing the roof and making the houses a colorful reminder of God’s grace and of our time here.   Lunch, again amazing was guacemole and chicken salad Guatemalan style. Delicious!  During our lunch break, some of us had the unusual opportunity to attempt to carry on our backs one of the burlap bags full of corn that the local carry daily up the mountainside to market. Go Cal and go Joey and Jake! The bags weigh about 120lbs and are attached to back and reinforced at the forehead with a headband as the climb is very steep. Amazing. We’ve had the chance once or twice on the trip to give a local a ride up the mountain with his load.  Young children can be seen towing cement blocks up the mountain in much the same way.  Those of us that are more comfortable in our weakness simply tried to carry a large basket full of corn on top of our heads balancing the way the ladies do all the way to town. Christina and I gave our best shot, but it was Dan Smith who stole the show when he tried. These are very talented people.

After lunch we returned to the homes for the dedication.  This is when the truth of prayer being the greater work became a powerful experience for all of us. As on team, along with Pastor and Dan entered the casa with the family and began to present gifts, the other team remained outside the home praying and singing (yes! out loud, without music and in front of the locals, who seemed to be interested and touch by what was taking place). Those inside listened, as after the gifts, pastor and dan presented the gospel as it related to nourishment of food and cleansing which he demonstrated with our gift of soap, to the family. The team outside reinforced the message with song. And then the process switched as the second family disappeared into their house with Dan and hermano Jesus (pastor).  In the end, every member of both families accepted Jesus as their personal savior. This is a village that paradise returns to, and follow up will accompany those decisions.

And then there was the celebration. Kids came out of every corner and cornstalk for the pinata party! There was song and laughing and then some very touching good byes as we packed it up.  If there is a thought that sums up the day….it may be that Prayer is indeed Powerful and God’s people are Priceless.  Thanks for following!  Two more days!


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